Education: Our passport to the future.
The National Autonomous University of Mexico has two High Schools: the National Preparatory School with nine facilities, and the School of Sciences and Humanities with five head offices. High school in Mexico corresponds to prep school, and it is studied in three years after middle school and before the bachelor’s degree.
National Preparatory School
The National Preparatory School in one of UNAM’s High School Divisions. It is the first liberal education institution in Mexico. Founded in 1867 by Gabino Barrera, it broke with the dogmatic and scholastic education that prevailed at the time. With more than 155 years of experience and tradition, it established the high school model in the national scope. It constituted in 1920, together with the School of Higher Studies, the basis for what today is the National Autonomous University of Mexico.
This school offers the students an integral education comprising scientific and humanistic education. Its mission is to educate men and women with a plurality of thought, the understanding of the knowledge necessary to successfully access higher studies, and an analytical mentality, dynamic and critical, allowing them to be aware of their reality and committed to society. It has nine schools with ample facilities for the attention of its students.
School of Sciences and Humanities (CCH)
The School of Sciences and Humanities was created in 1971 to meet the increasing demand of admittance at a medium high level in the Metropolitan Area, and to further the academic transformation of the University itself with a new curricular perspective and new educational methods. It educational model puts the student in the center of learning contributing, at the same time, to capacitate him/her to search, criticize and systematize knowledge.
The academic evaluation is the responsibility of two-party collegiate bodies, which design, integration and function was implemented by the CCH long before any other institution in the country. Its curriculum serves as an educational model to numerous high school institutions incorporated to UNAM. It is provided with five facilities or planteles, as they are known in Mexico, located in Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area.